Thursday, 3 August 2017

Don't say Wrong

                        Don't say wrong 

  • No one is wrong in this world, it's only thing that we are different and different does not mean wrong. 
  • We see only through our perspective without considering other person's. 
  • The other person's perspective is different ,we can't label it as wrong. When we directly say it wrong then there is feeling of disrespecting. 
  • If both stick with there opinion then there will be conflict in each and every thing we speak and heatly conversation convert into arguments.
  • Different people have different perspective and there different choices,so they have different opinion of Right and wrong, Good and Bad, Like and Dislike. 
  • Accept the thing no one is wrong, it's only difference in perspective and don't try to control and change them, if we remember this thing in our life we can avoid many problems. 



Free from fear

        Free from fear Insecurity of loosing something that is fear,and fear is big obstacle in our efforts.  We have to understand ...